Don't let repercussions from PFAS slow you down
Destroys PFAS and other anthropogenic compounds with Aclarity’s on-site electrochemical oxidation system. With PFAS gone, there are limitless new opportunities.
Whether there's PFAS in your feedwater or wastewater, destroying on-site makes PFAS worries a thing of the past. Treat upstream for PFAS free process water or downstream to safely dispose of wastewater within current and future PFAS permit limits. Don't fuss with PFAS removal and disposal, including off-site hauling. By destroying PFAS on-site, your facility takes back control of the process.
Meeting regulations is just the beginning
How did a waste treatment facility in Michigan address high PFOA and PFOS levels and concerns around upcoming CERCLA regulations on hazardous substances? They sought out Aclarity for help. Read about this and other projects in the white paper "The Definitive Guide to PFAS Technology".
Try it for yourself — and make forever chemicals history
Join the growing number of industrial facilities interested in leveraging PFAS destruction from Aclarity. Our complimentary evaluation lets you quickly gauge the power of our electrochemical oxidation system and how it can specifically help your facility. If you’re anything like the others, it’ll be the start of something good.
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